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- June 20, 2021
Gezicht op de tweede zee for vocal quartet and Koude teratologie for small chamber choir, piano and percussion by the ASKO Chamber Choir, dir. Jos Leussink, are available. Recordings of the premiere, Amsterdam, February 7, 2004.
With thanks to Jos Leussink for his permission. - May 8, 2021
Exchange for Fire and Notus for flute solo by Jos Zwaanenburg are available. Recordings from the Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, November 10, 1998.
With thanks to Jos Zwaanenburg for his permission. - May 1, 2021
Outward Bound for harp solo by Taetske Kleijn is available. Recording probably Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, 1984.
With thanks to Taetske Kleijn for her permission. - April 27, 2021
Flying Garuda for piano solo by Klaas Bakker is available. Recording of the premiere, November 20, 1994 at Frascati, Amsterdam.
With thanks to Klaas Bakker for his permission. - April 25, 2021
The recording by Doris Hays of Glass Music from the LP International Gaudeamus Competition 1971 for interpreters of contemporary music (1971) is available.
50 years after the original LP was released, the neighboring rights have expired. - August 12, 2020
Recording by Sergio Albach on Soundcloud of Solo Identity I. - December 28, 2017
Poems by Jos Kunst, published in Hollands Maandblad in the seventies and eighties, are online. See Poems published in journals. - August 7, 2017
MIDI playback on the DSG application works again, thanks to MidiPlayer by chenx. - January 8, 2015
Somebody uploaded Glass Music, Solo Identity I, Solo Identity II, No Time Al All, No Time, Any Two, Exchange for Fire and Six études to Youtube. - December 14, 2014
Somebody uploaded the piece Concertino for piano, winds and percussion (1994-1995) to Youtube [update 2017-08-07: does not exist anymore; removed link]. - January 9, 2013
Somebody uploaded the piece Insecten for 13 string instruments (1966) to Youtube. - January 2, 2013
The PHP code of the Dissonance Grading application has been seriously refactored, and a few long-standing bugs have been fixed. Functionality has not changed. - July 29, 2012
French poems published in the Groningen student periodical Der clercke cronike in 1956 and 1957 are now online. - September 7, 2008
On September 6, 2008 the CD-reissue of the LP Anthology of Dutch Electronic Tape Music Volume 2: 1966-1977 was presented at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam. Track 3 of CD 1 is the piece Extérieur by Jos Kunst from 1967. The discography is modified accordingly.
- December 9, 2007
Added to the list of works for each work a direct link to the website of the publisher for ordering of the score, whenever possible.
Note (Dec. 10): it turned out that deep links are not possible in the Donemus site, so I removed those again. - November 4, 2007
Added a recording of Any Two, performed by John Anderson (bass clarinet) and Jos Zwaanenburg (bass flute) (The Barton Workshop) (live recording, October 24, 2007, Seoul Arts Center Recital Hall, Seoul, Korea, Pan Music Festival 2007) to the MP3 download section. - January 6, 2007
The long poem Thebaïde by Jos Kunst, partly published earlier in Hollands Maandblad in 1983, is now published online in its entirety. ISBN-10: 90-811496-1-X (pdf); ISBN-13: 978-90-811496-1-7 (pdf). - December 24, 2006
Added: the complete text of the lecture De vertaalbaarheid van de roman [The translatability of the novel] from 1966 by Jos Kunst. An abridged version was published in the Handelingen van het negenentwintigste Nederlands filologencongres [Proceedings of the twentyninth Dutch philologists congress]. - August 24, 2006
Added: the lecture What is wrong with author's rights from 1985 by Jos Kunst, originally published in the special issue The socio-economic position of contemporary art music in Europe (edited by Herman Sabbe) of Interface (17 (1988) p. 139-143). - May 7, 2006
Added: the original text of the letter to the editor by Jos Kunst which was published in abridged form in Vrij Nederland of December 23, 1978, as a reaction to Henk Barendregt's and Elmer Schönberger's review of Jos Kunst's dissertation Making sense in music in Vrij Nederland of November 25, 1978. - April 3, 2006
The Dissonance Grading application now has MIDI support, thanks to Valentin Schmidts Midi Class 1.6. - March 31, 2006
The web interface to the PHP version of Dissonance Grading is now online. Source code is available under the GPL; it can be downloaded and viewed . - March 3, 2006
Dissonance Grading was ported to PHP by myself and released under the GPL. Download , view documentation (generated by PHPDocumentor, probably mostly of interest to developers). Command line interface only for the time being, a web interface is planned. - February 4, 2006
Added: review of Barry Truax, Acoustic Communication, Norwood N.J. 1984, by Jos Kunst, originally published in: Interface: 16 (1987) 1-2, 114. - January 4, 2006
Added: the article Remarks on analysis by Jos Kunst, originally published in the special issue Analysis and analyses (edited by Jos Kunst) of Interface (16 (1987) p. 1-11). Remarks on analysis was the introduction to this issue. - December 30, 2005
Added: a separate discography of Jos Kunst. The information was already available in the list of works, but it is better organized like this. - November 27, 2005
Added: Music and communication: on musicology as a behavioural science, originally published in: Interface: 7 (1978) 4, 189-204.
The current publisher of Journal of New Music Research, the continuation of Interface, is Taylor and Francis. According to Taylor and Francis's position on Copyright and Author Rights (warning: pdf link) of 2 July 2004, section "The rights that you retain as Author", paragraph 6, an Author retains the right to post his or her Article (after an embargo of 12 or 18 months) on an Author's own website, so long as a standard acknowledgement is given. I infer from this that I have the right to post Jos Kunst's articles from Interface on this website. - November 20, 2005
Added: Filosofie van de muziekwetenschap [Philosophy of musicology] by Jos Kunst, originally published in 1988. - July 21, 2005
EARLabs digitized the recording of Expulsion from the LP "Electronic panorama" (Philips 6526 004) and put it online here (8.6 MB mp3 file). - July 18, 2005
Added: Kwee Him Yong's In memoriam Jos Kunst, originally published in Muziek en Wetenschap: 5 (1995-1996) 2 (1996) 163-169. With thanks to Kwee Him Yong for his permission to reproduce this article. - April 30, 2005
The Pascal source code of Jos Kunst's computer programs is released under version 2 of the GNU General Public License. - October 21, 2004
Added: libretto and film directions of Johanna de Waanzinnige: opera voor televisie [Joanna the Mad: opera for television] (typoscript, 1964). See also Zeven sinfonias uit Johanna de Waanzinnige [Seven sinfonias from Joanna the Mad]. - October 18, 2004
Added: the text of the lecture Muziek en mathematische logica [Music and mathematical logic], originally published in Muzikale perspektieven: lezingen gehouden op 2, 9 en 16 mei 1973 in het Studium Generale aan de T.H. Eindhoven. Eindhoven: Studium Generale, Technische Hogeschool, 1973, p. 15-27. - January 31, 2004
Added Antoine Beuger's liner notes to the Composer's Voice Classics CV 124 CD with works of Jos Kunst by The Barton Workshop: Jos Kunst: 'Making sense in music'. With thanks to Antoine Beuger for making this text available. - January 15, 2004
The CD Fingerprints by pianist Ralph van Raat (NM Classics MCCL92113) has been released. It contains recordings of Glass Music and the two Études à la mémoire de Claude Debussy by Jos Kunst. The second, unfinished Étude ... pour les lignes et les accords has been finished by Ralph van Raat.![[Fingerprints cover]](plaatjes/fingerprints.jpg)
- December 29, 2003
Somebody has put the text of Jos Kunst's article What is wrong with authors' rights (from: Interface: 17 (1988) 3, 139-143) online here. - October 2, 2003
The Jos Kunst Composer's Voice CD has been awarded a "10" [update 2017-08-07: does not exist anymore; removed link] by the Dutch classical music magazine Luister in its October 2003 issue. Complete review on page 36. - September 7, 2003
The review by Erik Voermans of the Jos Kunst Composer's Voice CD from the July 29 edition of the daily newspaper Het Parool is now online (Dutch text) [update 2017-08-07: does not exist anymore; removed link]. - July 22, 2003
Released: Composer's Voice Classics CV 124: Jos Kunst: works by Jos Kunst, performed by The Barton Workshop.
![[cover cv 124]](plaatjes/cv124.jpg)
The CD can be ordered from Donemus. - June 20, 2003
Added a recording of Solo Identity I for bass clarinet, performed by Stephan Vermeersch (live performance, February 6, 2003, Ghent) to the MP3 download section. - May 5, 2003
Coming soon: a CD with works by Jos Kunst, performed by The Barton Workshop. This will be the first album (LP or CD) containing only works by Jos Kunst. The CD will be published [update 2017-08-07: does not exist anymore; removed link] by Donemus and has catalogue number CV 124. - August 30, 2002
Added the article Balling of kluizenaar?: Jos Kunst: componist, musicoloog, dichter, taalkundige, filosoof en theoloog [Outcast or hermit?: Jos Kunst: composer, musicologist, poet, linguist, philosopher and theologian] from 1997 by Jan Vriend (originally published in: Mens en melodie: 52 (1997) 3 (March) 119-126.)
With thanks to Jan Vriend and the publisher and editor of Mens en melodie for their permission to republish this text. - July 14, 2002
Added an as far as I know previously unpublished text from about 1975 by Jos Kunst: Discussiestuk over ideologie en muziek [Discussion piece about ideology and music]. - March 17, 2002
The text of the fourth (and last) of the radio program series by Jos Kunst and Jan Vriend is now available: Betekenis van muziek [Meaning of music], broadcast on October 30, 1973. - February 26, 2002
A new CD by pianist Polo de Haas, entitled simply Polo de Haas, has just been published (Emergo Classics EC 3911-2 [update 2017-08-07: does not exist anymore; removed link]). It contains piano works by Dutch and Belgian twentieth-century composers. Among those is Solo Identity II by Jos Kunst.

- December 10, 2001
The text of the third of four radio programs by Jos Kunst and Jan Vriend is now available: Het Jesus-Movement [The Jesus Movement], broadcast on October 23, 1973. - December 2, 2001
Added to the entries of Flying Garuda and Topos Teleios in the list of compositions a link to a review by Frits van der Waa (in Dutch). - November 10, 2001
The concert by Ralph van Raat on November 9, which included Glass Music and the two Études by Jos Kunst, will be broadcast by Radio 4 in the program "NPS Vrijdag", Friday December 28 2001, 13:30-16:00 CET. Radio 4 is also broadcast over the Internet in Windows Media Player format. See and click on the "Live Radio 4" graphic. A review (in Dutch) of this concert from the newspaper BN/De Stem can (after registration) be read here [update 2017-08-07: does not exist anymore; removed link]. - November 9, 2001
The unfinished Étude XXVIII:2 "...pour les lignes et les accords" (1995-1996) has been finished by Ralph van Raat and was performed for the first time today by him in De Nieuwe Veste in Breda. The list of works has been updated. - October 28, 2001
Koude teratologie for chamber choir, piano and percussion (1962-1963) has been published by Donemus. The list of compositions is updated. - October 23, 2001
Added, with thanks to HES & DE GRAAF Publishers BV [update 2017-08-07: does not exist anymore; removed link] for their permission to republish this text, the article Pop versus klassiek, of Hoe moeten culturen met elkaar omgaan? [Pop vs. classical, or How should cultures deal with each other?] by Jos Kunst from 1986 (originally published in: De macht van de tekens: opstellen over maatschappij, tekst en literatuur; red. Aart van Zoest. Utrecht: HES, 1986, p. 195-203.) - October 20, 2001
The text of the second of four radio programs by Jos Kunst and Jan Vriend is now available: Frankrijk tussen de oorlogen [France between the wars], broadcast on October 16, 1973. - September 23, 2001
Added a transcription of the radio program Anti-Strawinsky by Jos Kunst and Jan Vriend. This was broadcast by KRO radio on October 9, 1973, and is the first of four programs. Transcriptions of the remaining programs are coming soon.
With thanks to Jan Vriend for his permission to include this text. - August 26, 2001
Added, with thanks to the Stichting Hollands Maandblad for their permission to republish this text, the article Over de betekenis van muziek [On the meaning of music] by Jos Kunst from 1989 (originally published in: Hollands maandblad: 31 (1989-1990) 498-499 (May-June 1989) 19-25.) - July 28, 2001
Added: an (as far as I know) not previously published text by Jos Kunst from about 1975, Discussiestuk over geëngageerde muziek [Discussion piece about commitment in music]. - July 17, 2001
I found out that the article On methods in analysis and empirical research, mentioned in the July 15 news item as being added to the online library of this site, actually contains the same text as Decidability problems in the humanities. Things are now set straight in the Bibliography and elsewhere. Sorry for the confusion. - July 15, 2001
[News item deleted — see July 17 for explanation.] - July 10, 2001
Added a link to the homepage of pianist Ralph van Raat to the Links page. - July 8, 2001
I have created a modest CSS stylesheet in an attempt to make this site look a little better. - June 23, 2001
I added four Stellingen van Dr. Jos Kunst (Theses by Dr. Jos Kunst), advanced at the conference Muziek en Filosofie (Music and Philosophy), April 21, 1979 at the Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte (International School of Philosophy) in Leusden. - June 7, 2001
I added the article Sur la formalisation de récit littéraire from 1970 by Jos Kunst (originally published in: Explications de textes; onder red. van F.F.J. Drijkoningen ... [et al.]. Special issue of: Het Franse boek: 40 (1970) 2 (april) 64-67.) - June 5, 2001
Added a PicoSearch search engine to the home page. If this service starts using ad banners (other than those for PicoSearch itself) in the future, it will be taken off again. - May 20, 2001
I added the abstracts of four articles by Jos Kunst from Interface: journal of new music research to the Bibliography. Unfortunately, I don't have permission to make the articles themselves available on this site. - May 18, 2001
I added the essay De vertaalbaarheid van de roman [The translatability of the novel] from 1966 by Jos Kunst (originally published in: Handelingen van het negenentwintigste Nederlands filologencongres: gehouden te Amsterdam op woensdag 13, donderdag 14 en vrijdag 15 april 1966. Groningen: J.B. Wolters, 1966, p. 131-133). - April 20, 2001
Finally, Jos Kunst's 1978 dissertation Making sense in music: an enquiry into the formal pragmatics of art is online. - January 27, 2001
I added a new section: MP3's of complete works by Jos Kunst. For starters, it contains a recording of Glass Music for piano solo, performed by Pauline Post, recorded by De Concertzender, May 18, 1995. - January 20, 2001
Just published: the CD "Tribute 2000" by pianist René Eckhardt (Muziekgroep Nederland NM Extra 98019). Contains as track 8 a great rendition of Solo Identity II.

- News 1996-2000
Jos Kunst home page Nederlands | Jos Kunst home page English | Sitemap